Tuesday, May 10, 2011

new message from herbert

Today we got a new message from herbert. If you read it it looks like he might be on our side.I dont think so but i wonder if the 2 words in capital letters mean eny thing. the letters are GOOD and DO. drop a comment on if you think it means somthing. Waddle on webboy11


Nick said...

Well, I don't think it means anything... Just that he wanted those words to stand out, that's all! :)


liam said...

i think so also

Nick said...

:D I have a new facebook page! Make sure to like it! http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Club-Penguin-Inn/173973359323923?sk=wall

club penguin glitch

club penguin glitch
hi i found a glitch and look its the old spy phone it should be the new spy phone.

About Me

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i like club penguin im a member

rainbow puffle

rainbow puffle
i found a rainbow puffle in my igloo it was soo cool

ther is a ninja in the mirror

see the ninja it's ther all the time